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Yaesu FT-817  Technical Supplement

FT-817 Yaesu FT-817 Technical Supplement 1.0

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Yaesu FT-817 - Technical Supplement


This manual provides technical information necessary for servicing the Yaesu FT-817 HF & V/UHF-Bands Trans- ceiver. It does not include information on installation and operation, which are described in the FT-817 Operating Manual provided with the transceiver, or on accessories which are described in their manuals.

The FT-817 is carefully designed to allow the knowledge- able operator to make nearly all adjustments required for various station conditions, modes and operator preferenc- es simply from the controls on the panels, without open- ing the case of the transceiver. The FT-817 Operating Man- ual describes these adjustments, plus certain internal set- tings.

Servicing this equipment requires expertise in handling surface mount chip components. Attempts by unqualified persons to service this equipment may result in perma- nent damage not covered by warranty. For the major cir- cuit boards, each side of the board is identified by the type of the majority of components installed on that side. In most cases one side has only chip components, and the other has either a mixture of both chip and lead components (trimmers, coils, electrolytic capacitors, packaged ICs, etc.), or lead components only.

While we believe the technical information in this manu- al is correct, VERTEX STANDARD assumes no liability for damage that may occur as a result of typographical or other errors that may be present. Your cooperation in pointing out any inconsistencies in the technical informa- tion would be appreciated. VERTEX STANDARD reserves the right to make changes in this transceiver and the align- ment procedures, in the interest of technological improve- ment, without notification of owners.
First release
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