Firmware updates - outdoor version only !!
- outdoor_version_of_X108G_firmware_update_build024.rar
- outdoor_version_of_X108G_firmware_update_build015.rar ->OLED !!
- Update description
This firmware solves the problem that when your computer is
connected with your outdoor version of X108G via USB, the X108G
can not be transmitted via the software instructions, so that you can
control the X108G via the corresponding software. - Firmware update tutorial:
- Press the frequency knob (keep the action), turn on, connect the
USB cable to the computer. - Open “ My computer”, there is a Update X108 (*
storage device. - Open Update X108 (*), delete the file, this time on the radio will show delete progress (waiting for progress to complete 100%).
- Copy the latest firmware to the Update X108 (*
to wait for
replication to complete, and then disconnect the USB and the
computer. - Restart X108G, firmware update is completed!
- Press the frequency knob (keep the action), turn on, connect the
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