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Driver -  ARS-USB Azimuth & Elevation

Driver Driver - ARS-USB Azimuth & Elevation 1.0

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Antenna Rotator System is the most popular and universal engine management antenna rotator. With this new generation that includes a USB port, can handle any motor antenna just as previous versions did.

This product serves for Azimuth and Elevation rotators.

The ARS-USB (Antenna Rotator System) is the easiest and highest performance Universal Interface for handling your Antenna Rotor. You’ll be able to control your Antenna Rotor from your computer. Connecting the ARS-USB to your PC via a USB Port and later to your Rotator is easy. Within a few minutes, you will be able to point your antennas from your computer automatically.

The ARS is an Universal Rotor Interface, any rotator is supported. A full user manual is included that clearly details how to interface the ARS-USB to many different rotor models.

The first ARS was announced in 1996 and it included the RCI board – interface hardware with the rotator. 6 years later, the hardware was re-designed and the name of this new interface was: RCI-SE (RCI Second Edition). In all thoses cases, the connection with the computer was via LPT (printer) port. Finally in December 2011, it was announced the 3rd generation of the product: ARS-USB, that included a USB 2.0 port (high speed).

The ARS-USB is detected at the computer as a Serial/COM port, so any program (Satellite Tracking, Logging program, etc.) will be able to control it via this COM Port. Moreover it emulates a Yaesu GS232A interface; this fact has the advantage that any program that supports a GS232A will support directly the ARS-USB.

There are 2 models available:
  • Azimuth: For one Azimuth rotator.
  • Azimuth & Elevation: For controlling 2 rotators: Azimuth and Elevation.

First release
Last update
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